

Viking dress

This historical inspired viking style dress is originally designed by me.

These photos show my original designed costume.

This project involved a lot of research, about the time period , the clothing, silhouette, colours, materials and traditions involved. 

I call it historically inspired because it isn't 100 % historically accurate.

Different techniques used.

Everybody has been stuck in quarantine lately. So I desided to make the best out of it. 

My idea was to make "viking" inspired items and clothing. My goal was to get the "viking" feeling across, but with just using materials I had laying at home. 

Cheap, sustainible and fun.

Hand made jewlery

Fabrics used that I already owned

Hand carved leather bag

Making information

Project made in March 2020.

Made by Manon Kemp

First historical reachered costume

Modelled by Manon Kemp

Full set design

To see the rest of my Viking project:

Including a tent, shoes and more